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Alluminas - Master of Light, Lord of Enlightenment
Alluminas, esoteric brother of Arianka and Solkan, embodies a pure, unchanging light
which renders anything it strikes unmoving and unchanging, and the idea of total
divine enlightenment. His worshippers are few in the Old World, but his centre of
worship lies in the far eastern states of Cathay and Nippon, where he has several
monastic orders, the Monks of the Light (or 'White Monks': you might like to use the
monk careers in the archives or just use the normal cleric careers as an
approximation). Nipponese worshippers know Alluminas as Annu-Minato.
Whether in the Old World or the far east, worshippers of Alluminas all share one
thing, the search for the Enlightenment which is oneness with their master. They
study the scriptures of Alluminas as set out in his holy book (the Alluminamus),
meditate to strive for oneness in spirit and follow the Fourfold Path: through
Thought, Meditation, Dedication and Understanding comes, ultimately, divine
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