MIKI Sitemap:






-2.1 Television

-2.2 Sports

-2.3 Food

-2.3.1 breakfast

-2.3.2 lunch

-2.3.3 dinner

-2.3.4 specifics

-2.4 Music

3.Official Holidays

Tags : sebi, leo, markus und maxi

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United States of Amerika

By Markus K. Sebastian S. Maximilian V and Leo L.

Tags : sebi, leo, markus und maxi

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- Ameria was discovered by the spanish in 1492.

-the first settlement was founded in 1565

-some time later, the french an the british settled to America too. So the three countries wanted to own the continent, so everybody fights against everybody.

-the british won the fight against the others, so they got America. But the Americans wanted to resume their liberty.

-From 1775-1783 the Americans and the french fighted the war of independence against the british Colonie. When the war was over, the british colonie went back to England beause they lost the fight

-In the first world war, the Americans did not really fight, they only sended weapons to the british army, to help them

-In the second world war, the japanese shooted at the Americans, so they started the second world war. When they won the war against japan, the Americans sended soliders to Europa to help the europeans

-Today America is one of the most important countries at world, cause they have a good army and a good intustrie too. they Very important scientist come from America.

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history 2

History, the last five presidents of America

-1981-1989 Ronal Reagan

-1989-1993 George Bush

-1993-2001 Bill Clinton

-2001-2009 George W. Bush

-2009-... Barack Obama, he is the first black president of America

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is a ball and teamsport, was founded in amerika and is very traditionell.


James naismith, a canadian person, foundedt this sport in 1981.

basketball is very popular in America and in Canada.

-american football

comes from america, the names says it also.

american footbal is a teamsport and a sport with balls. For this sport you need tactik and strength.

At this sport, there are two teams.

Tags : sebi, leo, markus und maxi

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-ABC is a general TV channel

-BBC is anews channel

-CNN is also a news channel, but you can see it in germany too

-MTV is a music channel, where many different music is shown, that is also a channel wich you can see in germany too.

-Commedy Central there you can see comedy and other funny things

-NBC is a general channel too. But you can not see it in germany

-Disney Channel is a channel for kids, there are often comic films

-And there are many other channels for example

America one, City TV, Discoverie channel, USA Network, ESPN, Fox, HBO, Bravo ...

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Sports 2



-Is a motorsport

-The cars are special builded

-They drive in oval


-Was founded in Canda beteween 1840 and 1875

-You play it on ice and you need a puck

There are many other sports, but those we told us are the most popular

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-Many different things.

For example donuts, brownis, waffles, cinnamon rolls, pancakes and a big cup of coffee


-Do not eat so much because most of the adults have to work and the children are at school.

They eat Sandwitches, some fruit and sometimes they eat chips


- Eat most of the time fast food. For example burgers, mexican food, french fris and pizza.That is because the womens are to tired to cook something

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-barbecue, is very popular and they eat it at the weekend. Most of the time, there is stake and special potatoes.


many different cookies, for example brownies

also many different chokolate bars.

Most popular is the peanut, butter, chokolate bar

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Most popular rappers are eminem, 50 cent, tu pac, G-Unit, XZibit

Hip-Hop a bit fast and it has a rhytm, and most of the time Hip-Hop is


-punk- or alternative rock

Popular bands are Green Day, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Three Days Grace, 30 seconds to Mars

Is a loud, fast and difficult music


Most popular singers are Elvis Presly, Chuck Berry and Bill Haley

Jazz music is a good dance music, because it is fast and happy


Famous singers are Michael Jackson,Robbie williams, Rihanna and Ne-Yo.

Pop music is a very modern musicstyle, and many people like this music

Tags : sebi, leo, markus und maxi

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official Holidays

Official Holidays

-New Jears day (1th January)

-Martin Luther Kings day (thirt monday in January)

-Independence day (4th July)

-Columbus day (2nd Monday in Oktober)

-Verterans day (11.11.)

-Thanksgiving (4th in thursday in Novermber)

-Christmas (25.12)

Tags : sebi, leo, markus und maxi

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